I was at church helping with our "Prophet's Quarters", I don't remember what class I was in. I heard about it a lot when I got home, and also at my church. I do think 20 years from now we will still remember 9/11 because it's a day where a lot of our public service men and women died to keep people safe. I believe the reason why they attacked us, is because we are in Afghanistan, and they were not happy with us being there. One of the firefighters' I work with, his cousin was there, and was helping with the rescuing of people after the damage was already done. If I was to write a story about 9/11, it would be in my point of view because my point of view if different from everyone else, and would be about the the grief and the crying, but even though they had loved ones that gave their lives for other people, God was in control, and he still is to this day. He is always there, even when we don't think He is. He hears our faintest cry. Other people might forget this day, but as a public serviceman myself, I will never forget 9/11. God Bless those who gave their lives so others may live.